Number of Forms

    Asked on February 2, 2018 at 8:14 AM

    Hi can you tell me how many forms we can have active at one time please.

    We currently have the Bronze package which states 25 forms. We're not sure what that means. I have read an answer to somebody else's query where you state there is no limit. So we're a bit confused. :)

    Here's the other question:




  • melihtanriyakul
    Replied on February 2, 2018 at 8:53 AM

    I reviewed the question that you referenced and unfortunately there has been some changes in our plans after this question you referenced. Here is the post in our blog that shows this informations:

    I checked your account due to your question and it showed that you can create and use 25 forms actively since you have "Bronze" package. You also can see that in your "Billing" page of your account. If you have forms that you are not using at the moment you can disable or archive them and create new ones instead of them.

    Here is the image that shows this information:

    1517578966Screen Shot 2018 02 02 at 4 Screenshot 10