Please explain further on the Payment Submissions email I have received?

  • RMSR
    Asked on February 2, 2018 at 9:55 AM

    You just sent me a screen shot of the present pricing page.

    It is the same as the old one, and does not reflect an email you sent me on Jan 19.  I've included as a screen shot of the email.

    If the screen shot you sent me is correct, (and the email from Jan 19 is wrong) I wish to downgrade back to a free subscription.


    Jotform Thread 1370875 Screenshot
    Replied on February 2, 2018 at 10:55 AM

    Apologies for any inconveniences caused. Kindly do note that at the moment Live Phone support however you can reach us on Jotform Forum or by sending us an email on

    The email you have attached is purely on Payment Limits. This means if you will be using your form to receive Payments then for the Bronze plan you have subscribed to then you can receive a Maximum of 10 payments in a month. This however does not mean you will receive a maximum of 10 submissions per month. For Bronze plan you are entitled to 1,000 submissions as shown below.

    1517586659Bronze upgrade email Screenshot 10

    Kindly do let us know if based on the above explanation you would still want to downgrade your account.