How would I apply a mask to the following possible inputs.

  • kvdspuy
    Asked on June 7, 2018 at 7:39 AM

    How would I apply a mask to the following possible inputs. The REQUIRED and FIXED portion is ADUWC\:





    None of the available masks provide for a mixture of Alphanumerics as well as Special Characters in different positions.

  • BJoanna
    Replied on June 7, 2018 at 10:15 AM

    Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to set that specific format using Input Masking. 

    In your case, it is not possible because a special character '-' will not always be in the same position. 

    It would be possible only if you omit the character '-'. Then you could set Input Mask like this.

    1528379951input mask Screenshot 10

    As a possible workaround, you can use conditional logic to force your users to use that format. With conditional logic, you can show a custom message if the format is not correct and hide the submit button.

    How would I apply a mask to the following possible inputs. Image 21

    How to Show or Hide Fields Base on User's Answer

    Here is a demo form: