Radio Button with "Other Option" and Drop Down menu with radio buttons

  • pn2
    Asked on June 20, 2018 at 10:32 AM


    Are there any widgets that work as Radio Buttons, but also have an Other option? I know I can get something like this with a checkbox widget with a limit of one but I would like to try and change this if possible.

    Also, are there any drop down menu widgets that have Radio Buttons?

    Thank you.

  • Victoria_K
    Replied on June 20, 2018 at 11:54 AM


    Single Choice field (Radio Buttons) allows to add "Other" option:

    1529509951screenshotlzxef Screenshot 10

    1529509966screenshotwyet3 Screenshot 21

    Were you looking for this option? If you did mean something else, please let us know.

    Your other question was moved as a new thread, an answer will be available here soon: 

    Thank you.