2-Factor Authentication Disabled but Still Prompting on Every Login

  • USBC_Bowling
    Asked on May 22, 2024 at 1:10 PM

    I am having many, many issues with Jotform right now. My account is for USBC (United States Bowling Congress) and the email is marketing@bowl.com.

    1) 2 factor authentication is turned off, yet it asks for it every time anyone logs in.


    when I try to put in a support ticket, it puts me into a generic account that's not associated with my Gold account. When someone finally got back to me, they had no idea what account I was using and I couldn't find the support ticket to respond.


    when I tried to live chat yesterday, it told me you weren't around at the moment, try back. What?

    4) When someone does finally get in, it keeps kicking us out and requiring us to log back in with 2 factor authentication.

    5) then when that's happened over and over, we get locked out and can't sign back in for hours.

    These issues are happening to anyone who logs in with the marketing@bowl.com email address.


    lastly, I need to use the scheduler feature in Jotform and I need 5 min intervals.

  • Jemuel JotForm Support
    Replied on May 22, 2024 at 1:40 PM

    Hi USBC_Bowling,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Are you referring to the Authentication code? If yes, It is not possible to disable the Authentication code since this is one of our security features. As you already experienced, each time you log into your account from a different device, an email is sent out with the Authenticate Code. This helps to enforce your security, particularly if several Jotform accounts are linked to the same IP, as it is the case with the IP you're actually connecting from.

    Note that our standard plans (Free, Bronze, Silver, and Gold) are single user plans. Sharing your account credentials with other individuals violates Jotform's Terms of Use.

    If you need an account that allows multiple users, we encourage you to look into upgrading to Jotform Enterprise. Enterprise accounts can accommodate everyone on your team, while giving you full control and visibility into each action taken by members of your team, for IT audit purposes.

    As for your other questions, I've moved them to new threads to avoid confusion. You can check them out below:

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

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