How can I choose the email address a Stripe payment connects to?

  • activadventures
    Asked on July 17, 2018 at 6:33 AM

    Hi, I have built a form which asks for the email adresses of a pupil and their parent. At the end of the form is a payment section which runs through Stripe.

    On the form the first email address taken is for the pupil and second is for the parent. I cannot change this order on the form.

    When the payment is taken the auto response email sent is connecting the payment in 'My Products' with the name of the parents but using the email address of the pupil.

    How can I change this?



  • luisvcsilva
    Replied on July 17, 2018 at 10:07 AM

    I checked your form and noticed that the auto response email that should be sent to the parents is only sent to them when the payment option is set to a 50% deposit. If this condition is not fulfilled, the email is sent to the pupils. Try to create an "always true" rule, that if the payment option is filled, then the autoresponder email will be sent to the email address entered in the Legal Guardian field, and proceed to delete your current conditional rule regarding the 50% deposit:

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    The reason that the autoresponder email regarding the Final Payment was being sent to the pupils (default email) and not the parents was because this condition wasn't always being fulfilled, thus the autoresponder email wasn't being sent to the parents.

    Contact us if you need any assistance,


  • activadventures
    Replied on July 17, 2018 at 10:16 AM


    Thanks for your response but this is not exactly what I was having issue with. The auto responder emails are going to the correct location I believe.

    The issue is the form data sent out in the auto responder email. It is connecting the pupils email address to the payment data.

    In the photo below you can see that with the payment date is the name 'Jess Shortland'. This was input in the payment section as the payer. However the email address shown '' was input right at the start of the form as the pupils email address. This is confusing for the parent as they do not want to think their child will be contacted for payment.

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    Is there any way I can change this?



  • Nik_C
    Replied on July 17, 2018 at 11:40 AM

    Unfortunately, payer email address has to go to Stripe.

    But you can change which email address goes as payer email address in Stripe wizard.

    1) Add one more email field that will be a payer email field:

    15318419252018 07 17 17 37 20 Screenshot 10

    2) Then go to Stripe wizard's settings - Additional Gateway Settings and change Customer Email Field to that newly added email field:

    15318419432018 07 17 17 37 45 Screenshot 21

    Then, the other email field will remain as Participant's Email Address field.

    Please try and let us know how it went.

    Thank you!

  • activadventures
    Replied on July 17, 2018 at 12:28 PM

    Thanks! This has now worked!

