How to increase the width of some of the text input boxes individually in the configurable list?

  • Clintluna
    Fecha de consulta 23 de septiembre de 2018, 5:56
    Secondly, I'd like to increase the width of some of the text input boxes individually in the configurable list, but not all of them globally.
  • Victoria_K
    Fecha de respuesta 23 de septiembre de 2018, 6:16

    The width of text fields is set on the Configurable List of your form to 80px:

    1537697341The Easiest Online Form Builde Screenshot 10

    You can add css code to set different width for specific elements. For example, to increase the width for 4th text field, use the following:


    .col4 > input {width: 150px !important;}

    If you need more help, please provide us more requirements on which fields you want to style.

  • Clintluna
    Fecha de respuesta 26 de septiembre de 2018, 15:10

    @Victoria_K You're always such a great help, thank you!!