Invalid password with Salesforce integration

  • CoachCollege
    Asked on November 27, 2018 at 10:46 AM


    I'm trying to implement the Salesforce integration, but it is not working as expected. I Linked the form to the Contact object using onlu the Name and Email fields.

    In the integration setting page, authorization is successfull, I can see all standard and custom Salesforce fields to link them to form fields. Saving of the integration settings is successful as well.

    While testing, no Contact records are created in Salesforce. The user as the needed permissions in Salesforce. In the log on the user page in Saleforce for the API user used in the integration settings I see entries with 'Password Invalid'.

    I removed and re-enabled the Saleforce integration already in Jotform to try to remove a cached username/password/secret combo to no avail.

    I don't see any error messages/log in the Jotform console. Could you point me in the right direction to solve this issue?


    Floris Jan


    Jotform Thread 1654686 Screenshot
  • John_Benson
    Replied on November 27, 2018 at 12:24 PM

    I tested the Salesforce integration and it is working properly on my end. Please make sure that the username, password, and security token are correct. Make sure there is no space before or after the text. Please make sure also that the Salesforce account is active. 

    After that, please try it again and let us know how it goes. Thank you.

  • CoachCollege
    Replied on November 28, 2018 at 5:49 AM

    The account information is correct. No spaces, no errors. This is verified by the fact that in the steps setting up the integration, the fields can be queried from Salesforce using the credentials specified.


    I tested with a new form (cloned). Same thing. The setup of the form succeeds but filling the form produces the same error.

    In the logs on Salesforce I see successful logins during setup, but invalid password when filling during the form. Do you have restrictions in characters we can use in the password fields?

  • CoachCollege
    Replied on November 28, 2018 at 7:07 AM

    I think the password field used by Jotform can't handle (some) special characers. When using a password without those, everything works as expected.