The conditions aren't working properly on my form.

  • OutreachlHHWS
    Asked on February 6, 2019 at 2:59 AM


    The conditions aren't working properly on my form. Does the sequence of conditions matter? If so, can I reorder them? I need help making this form work...


  • BJoanna
    Replied on February 6, 2019 at 4:00 AM

    To which form is the issue related to? Please provide us a form URL. Also, tell us which exact conditions are not working properly. You can provide us the screenshots of those conditions

    If you set multiple conditions to hide or show the same field the sequence of conditions does matter. I this case the first condition will overrule the second condition. However, this will usually create conflicts between conditions and it is not recommended. 

    You can drag and drop conditions you created to reorder them. 

    1549443607reporder Screenshot 10