How can I retrieve my online job application form

  • Desiree Shepherd
    Asked on May 14, 2019 at 8:24 AM

    Dear Jotform team,

    I spent many hours doing an online job application form and instead of clicking what I thought was an "undo" function I clicked the "reload this page" function and my whole application was lost, no text at all present in the fields I had completed.  Nowhere on the application form was there an opportunity to save the document so I have no way of recalling back a saved document.  I was also not asked to set up an email or password to enter the application at a later stage.  Please, please, please is there anyway I can retrieve my document?

    Many thanks.  Regards Desiree

  • Victoria_K
    Replied on May 14, 2019 at 10:50 AM


    It looks like you are trying to submit a form created at our platform. JotForm is a web form builder platform. I am very sorry, but if form is not set up to save information, we do not have an option to retrieve the lost data. Our records show no data for email address you provided. Please try to fill out the form again.

    If you will decide to create your own online form, we will be glad to assist.