Hi, If I embed the form into a webpage, can we create custom links to p

  • Anonomous
    Asked on December 13, 2020 at 12:55 PM


    If I embed the form into a webpage, can we create custom links to pre-populated forms within the website?

  • Gaetan_B
    Replied on December 13, 2020 at 1:49 PM


    Yes, you can try embedding your form via iFrame Code and add the pre-populated URL in the src field.

    Here's an example so you can see what I mean by this:








       style="width: 1px;

       min-width: 100%;






    You can change the URL in the src field with pre-populated values.

    This app will help you generate the right pre-populated code. http://prepopulate.jotform.io/
