Smart PDF: Have dynamic paragraph entered onto the PDF

  • AscentEMC
    Asked on December 20, 2020 at 8:25 PM

    I have a paragraph on the form that automatically changes the wording with form fields based on entry. How can I go about having the paragraph field be entered onto the PDF through the PDF connection?

    It does not give the option to connect it to the PDF in builder. I tried having the paragraph field's value copied to a long text entry box that does allow the PDF connection but it doesn't allow copying the paragraph field.

    How can I go about having this paragraph entered onto the PDF that changes based on test result values entered in?

  • Sonnyfer JotForm Support
    Replied on December 21, 2020 at 12:10 AM

    Hi there - Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to for a Dynamic Paragraph to be entered onto the PDF.

    Let me forward this ticket to our developers as Feature Request. Though we cannot give you an ETA, rest assured you'll be apprised here of any updates.

  • AscentEMC
    Replied on December 21, 2020 at 7:08 PM

    So it doesn't have to be through the paragraph function. How can I get text auto populated based off information entered such as within the paragraph onto the pdf?
  • Sonnyfer JotForm Support
    Replied on December 21, 2020 at 8:18 PM

    As the original query was escalated to our developers, let me answer your new one on a separate ticket to avoid confusion. Kindly wait for my response on the following ticket link.