Coupon codes for multiple payment methods?

    Asked on February 10, 2021 at 9:58 AM


    How do I allow for a discounted price/coupon code to be used if we have multiple payment methods?

    We have to allow for payment by credit card/PayPal, Purchase Order and wire transfer. Because of this I had to put in the PO option as a text option rather than using the Purchase Order payment element. Same with wire transfer.

    Is there a way to allow for a coupon code so that it would apply to all payments and not just credit card?

    We also have a different price for certain dates as well - how do I have one form for all dates but have separate calculations for specific dates?


  • Bojan Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 12:23 PM


    In this case, you will need an additional text field where your users can add a coupon. Then, you can use conditional logic to calculate the new total and add it to the Total Registration Fee field.

    You can learn more about calculations here:

    Let us know if this solution will work for you.