My form will not import from a website so I can make a clone.

  • Meghan Maher
    Asked on October 14, 2021 at 5:53 PM

    My form will not import from a website so I can make a clone. I have done this before so I’m not sure why it’s not working. I’m copying and pasting the direct link of the jot form I want to import them clone. Thanks!

  • Amin_N
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 9:22 PM

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

    Please provide us with the link to the form that you're trying to clone so we can better help you.

    We're patiently waiting for your response.

  • meghano.maher
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 10:02 PM
  • meghano.maher
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 10:12 PM

    This one will not work either 😭

  • roneet
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 10:20 PM

    May we know the error are you getting when trying to clone the form?

    The form owner might have protected the forms from cloning. You may ask the form owner for permission to make a cloned copy.


  • meghano.maher
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 10:21 PM

    Nothing happens..the owner is my friend and she screenshot me that the cloning is on.

  • roneet
    Replied on October 14, 2021 at 10:53 PM

    Have you tried cloning the form this way:

    1634266320 6168ecd0b176f form Screenshot 10

    You may try cloning with any other browser or device.

    Let us know how it goes.
