API Request to download form data is missing submission records

  • ajtbomgaars
    Asked on November 30, 2021 at 6:21 AM

    We use a curl command to request form submission data using a greater than date time value and expecting to get all submissions starting from the date/time value up to current date/time but regardless of the from date/time entered we are only getting 20 records when when have manually downloaded the CSV and see there are 81 records in that time frame.

    The curl command we are using is below with placeholders for our jotform ID & api info:

    curl -g "https://api.jotform.com/form/<formid>/submissions?apiKey=<apikey>&filter={\"created_at:gt\":\"2021-11-01+00:00:00\"}" > C:\TEMP\FORMDATA.TXT

    Jotform Thread 3551997 Screenshot
  • Basil JotForm Support
    Replied on November 30, 2021 at 7:35 AM


    The API has a limit parameter for form submission requests, the parameter is set to 20 by default, you may change the value up to "1000" to request a larger number of submissions.

    1638275607 61a61a1714fc4  Screenshot 10

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.