Is there a limit on the number of unique coupon codes?

  • headshotretouching
    Asked on May 6, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    Creating unique coupon codes for each client is an integral part of my business model. Is there a limit on the number of unique coupon codes I can create? Or is it unlimited? I'm using the Stripe integration.


  • TitusN
    Replied on May 6, 2014 at 3:03 PM


    There is currently no limit.

    The coupon codes are processed by the user's browser, and having too many (ballpark 1000) will slow down your form.

    What upper limit were you looking at? I can ask our developers and they will advice.

    Looking forward to your response.

    PS: The coupons are processed on our servers, not stripe's servers. They calculate the implication on the totals to be shortly submitted to stripe's API.