How can I submit a multi page form in 2 or more steps?

  • stabilus
    Asked on May 16, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    I have created a form - it's more a questionnaire or a form funnel - that tries to engage the visitor to answer a few simple questions before - on page 3 - he enters the mail address. On pages 4 through 9 there are more questions and details the user gradually fills in.


    I am interested in collecting the name and mail address even if the user later decides - say on page 7 - not to complete the entire questionnaire and submit it on page 9.

    In other words, I would like to

    - collect name and mail in my autoresponder (like getresponse) either on the user leaving the form (on any page after page 3) or at the end when the entire form is submitted

    - receive an email when the entire form is submitted.


    I have not found a way to trigger an action when a user clicks "next" to get to the next page. That would allow me to send a mail with partial information (to my autoresponder). Is this possible? How?


    Thanks and best regards,


  • KadeJM
    Replied on May 16, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    Probably the best way to go about this would be to have a submit button at certain optional intervals on your form. You form would then in the notification have an " edit link " shown on it so the user could easily return to it later if they wanted to continue to fill it out. 

    So in an example it would be placed after gathering the Name, Email, Phone, and Address. The user could easily choose to Submit the form and stop or they could ignore that and continue it til later on in the form where it would become an option again.

    See this demo:

    It will additionally have an Autoresponder containing this information and the Edit Link to return to it. You can then enable the feature to hide empty fields so that it only shows what has been filled in. This way when your user returns to it later on if they choose to do so and resubmit it that information will then be received again and updated with more information.