My integration to Google Sheets started out fine and now it is missing

  • Sunshine Horses
    Asked on February 21, 2022 at 12:31 PM

    My integration to Google Sheets started out fine and now it is missing some people. I also noticed that the header row was missing from time to time. I need to print this report and tried to hide column A.
    Can I remove the integration? Delete the integrated Google sheet and start all over by going back and adding the integration again so it will generate a new Google Sheet with all the submissions.????? This is very important as it is Emergency contact information for our volunteers and I have to have this accurate. Please advise.

  • Francis_U
    Replied on February 21, 2022 at 2:38 PM

    Hello Sunshine Horses,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Can I remove the integration? Delete the integrated Google sheet and start all over by going back and adding the integration again so it will generate a new Google Sheet with all the submissions.?

    Yes, You will need to re-integrate Google sheets into your form in order to obtain all the data.

    However, please note that if you make any changes in the integrated Google sheet, it won't work correctly. This includes changing the column titles, adding new worksheets, adding formulas, hiding/adding/deleting rows/columns.

    If you already modified the Google Sheet, please remove the integration and reintegrate the app once again.

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    Let us know if you will need any further help.

    Thank you,