German Users: PayPal Payment for Jotform subscription only possible by CreditCard

  • abteilung
    Asked on May 19, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Hello everybody,

    I just wanted to share an experience with you, which is not Jotform's fault but important to know for German users who want to pay with PayPal. I could not find this info on the jotform pages or forum: in order to pay a monthly or yearly subscription of jotform's paid plans with PayPal you need to have a credit card!

    Our Experience: We tried to pay our subscription with PayPal Withdrawel (in German: "Lastschrift"). Didn't work. We tried to pay it with our PayPal Deposit/Credit (in German: Guthaben). Didn't work either. We always received the same error in processing the payment with PayPal:

    "Kreditkarte registrieren, um Sofortzahlungen zu senden.
    Fehlermeldung: Sie müssen eine Kreditkarte hinzufügen, um den Einkauf abzuschließen. Für diese Zahlung ist momentan leider kein Lastschriftverfahren möglich." [Translation: you have to use a credit card in order to transfer money.]

    We called them three times, waited a week for their technical support to get this answer: they don't support supscription services without credit card as they are recurring payments. No discussion. So we had to order a credit card to solve this issue.

    Perhaps jotform can add this info anywhere? Thanks!

  • Carina
    Replied on May 19, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    Thank you for reporting this situation. I forwarded a suggestion so that this information can become available for other users.

    Let us know if further support is needed.