Can't Seems to Get A Hold of API Support

  • onefootprod
    Asked on May 20, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    I have tried a couple times to get a hold of the support team for the API ( with no luck.  Can you help?  Below is my question:


    Hi there.

    I am having trouble using the sorting feature on the API.  Here is what I am doing.  Can you help?
    $submissions = $jotformAPI->getFormSubmissions($formID,0,0,"input_27”);
    Also, is there a way to change descending vs ascending?
    Thanks, Kevin

    Kevin Merritt + Amanda Back
    One Foot Productions
  • KadeJM
    Replied on May 20, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    I'm sorry about that. I have a feeling that it is likely because some of our developers whom are in charge of helping with API have probably been busy with various other assigned projects. I am pretty sure they did not mean to ignore you and would have responded back about it as soon as they could.

    Are you trying to have the form read and sent somewhere to be sorted and ordered in a controlled submissions listing for a certain field then? or?

    Can you explain more about your intentions for sorting and the order? I see what you have, but I am trying to figure out more about exactly what you are needing since it's a little hazy.

  • onefootprod
    Replied on May 20, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    We use JotForm to have people enter the information, but we then use the API to fetch the results and create a custom summary page.  We would like to be able to filter and sort this summary by different fields.

    Thanks, Kevin

  • Mike_T Jotform Support
    Replied on May 20, 2014 at 8:42 PM

    I think that the orderby parameter is designed for ordering based on system fields such as created_at, updated_at, flag, and so on. I am not quite sure if we can order by question ID, so I have attached a ticket to this thread. Also, it seems that ascending / descending sorting option is no available at this moment.

    We will get back to you when we have any news on this.

  • Ceren Director of Product Management
    Replied on May 21, 2014 at 6:17 AM


    getFormSubmissions method gets five parameters which are form ID, offset, limit, filter and order by. You can sort your form submissions by questions IDs. All you need to do is give question ID to getFormSubmissions method as last parameter. Your code should look like this,

    $submissions = $jotformAPI->getFormSubmissions($formID,0,0,null,"input_27”);

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any other quesions please let us know.