Pending Payment not being sent to PayPal

  • WebCentre
    Asked on May 26, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    I have a Pending payment submission that I just pushed through a few days ago and it still hasn't shown in PayPal. It did however show other ones that I had to push through.


    1. How do I make sure it gets to PayPal?

    2. Why do these incomplete payments even exist?

  • KadeJM
    Replied on May 26, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    A pending payment is also known as an Incomplete Payment. When you initiate a request to " Complete Payment " it may not always go through since it sends a notification to your customer asking that they come back and finish the transaction. If they do not then that would be the reason why.

    Also please note that if you are using PayPal you will need to enable your IPN even if it is set to default and you are not using it. You can refer to this guide to learn how to enable it.