Wont save new auto responder email

  • reinebold
    Asked on June 3, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    Good afternoon,  I love this product however I want to change my autoresponder and notification email addresses.  I do everything to include save the form but after I go back and test it the form is sent to the old email address.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Jonathan

  • Carina
    Replied on June 3, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    Hello Jonathan

    If you are using the "test email" button, it sends an email to the address associated with the account, To actually see if the notifications and auto-responders are going to the right place it is necessary to make a submission.

    Is it the 2014 Reinebold Fall Baseball Camp Registration?

    If so I made a test submission and it sent a notification to the c**c*r@me.com:

    Current Server: /var/log/jotform/amazonSES.log:[03/Jun/2014:13:58:00 -0400] 41535990051150 AmazonSES Sent email to c**c*r@me.com - MessageID:0000014662e17143-db90888d-3c7a-4a22-88aa-58430b2778ed-000000 - RequestId:99cd551e-eb48-11e3-81cb-4be6b59b1669

    I then changed the email in the notification and it also sent the notification to the correct email:

    Current Server: /var/log/jotform/amazonSES.log:[03/Jun/2014:14:00:35 -0400] 41535990051150 AmazonSES Sent email to c*j**form@gmail.com - MessageID:0000014662e3ce99-c2861466-31dc-43c5-a1b2-5a8139f8aa18-000000 - RequestId:f630e941-eb48-11e3-8fa6-4703360aee80
    If you have more than one Jotform browser window openned at the same time, this might revert the form to a previous version, as per default, Jotform has an auto-save feature. Please let us know if the problem persists. Thank you
  • reinebold
    Replied on June 3, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    Saw them and they work great.  thanks Jonathan