Page break - something with "back" button

  • elsac
    Asked on July 21, 2014 at 7:01 AM


    1. When you select "Back" button, the form does not delete the answers of the page.

    Is it possible that the form unselect the answers when you came to the previous page?

    (ex. I selected a date, but I don't want that event anymore. So, I click back to see the other options and the form should delete the previous selection).


    2. When the field is required, you have to select an option even if you want to come back to the previous page. Is it possible to make it unrequired only if you decide to choose "back"?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 21, 2014 at 8:16 AM


    That's how page break works to our form. It is designed to let users to move forward to submit the form and backward to review answers for someone to change the filled data if needed. Page break is also designed to create multi-page forms. I don't think our developers would consider changing that function.

    You should be able to click "Back" button when the current field has required fields. Required Field validation is triggered only when you click "Next" button and you've left some required fields to the current fields.
