Jotform API Create Form only submitting one question

  • dickeyad
    Asked on September 8, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    This was working until recently, and we haven't changed anything with the way we're interacting with the API. I was able to recreate this issue with curl.

    What was happening:

    Submitting a PUT request to /form with more than one question would only ever create the one question. Using the example found here:

    curl -X PUT -d '{"questions":[{"type":"control_head","text":"Form Title","order":"1","name":"Header"},{"type":"control_textbox","text":"Text Box Title","order":"2","name":"TextBox","validation":"None","required":"No","readonly":"No","size":"20","labelAlign":"Auto","hint":""}],"properties":{"title":"New Form","height":"600"},"emails":[{"type":"notification","name":"notification", "from":"default","to":"","subject":"New Submission","html":"false"}]}' "{apiKey}"

    I got a successful response:

    {"responseCode":200,"message":"success","content":{"id":"42505171548958","username":"dickeyad","title":"New Form","height":"600","status":null,"created_at":null,"updated_at":null,"new":0,"count":0,"url":"http:\/\/\/form\/42505171548958"},"limit-left":9999}

     But when I visited that form, you'll notice that there's only one question, the control_head:

    This is a huge blocker since most of the surveys we're creating have more than one question. Please let us know if you need anything from us.

  • jedcadorna
    Replied on September 8, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    I suggest that you send your questions with regards to API through to properly address your questions.

    You can also use this contact form to send your questions about API

  • eee Chief Technology Officer
    Replied on September 9, 2014 at 4:17 PM
    Hey Nathan,
    Problem is fixed now, 
    We're truly sorry for any inconvenience caused,
    ​Thank you for using JotForm,
    Kindest Regards,​
    - Ertugrul.