I have done most things I have been asked to do but program will still persist in not adding in the deposit :-((

    Asked on September 22, 2014 at 10:12 AM
  • jedcadorna
    Replied on September 22, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    Can you please tell us where will the 'Deposit Required £500 on all Bookings' will grab its value and if you want the value to be added in your total payment after submitting a form?

    I have done most things I have been asked to do but program will still persist in not adding in the deposit : (( Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Or should the value be 500 when the radio button for your payment option is filled? If that is what you want you can follow our guide about updating the field value www.jotform.com/help/268-How-to-Insert-Text-or-Mathematical-Caculation-into-a-field-using-a-Condition.