How can I prepopulate form field values using values from a spreadsheet?

    Asked on September 22, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    I want people to form that has some of the field values prepopulated from a prior form submission (the values now reside in a spreadsheet).  For example, a person submits a job application with 3 references.  We want to email each of the 3 references a link to another jobform and have the reference company's name and the job applicant's name prepopulated.

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on September 22, 2014 at 5:28 PM


    Though it is not possible to pre-populate  your form based on data from a spreadsheet, it is possible to populate your form with data entered in the URL:

    You could then include the modified URL in the email.  You can search for the fields of the 2nd form and find the field names required to be filled.  Next, get the email template variables (values on your email notification editor with { })

    So on your email notification's content, you will need to create a link to your 2nd form something like this:{firstnamevar}&lastname={lastnamevar}

    This way, when the user follows the link, the form is already pre-populated with values coming from the 1st form.

    Let us know if you have any questions about this and we will be happy to help.