Problem receiving form submission notifications

  • charlesclutter
    Asked on September 30, 2014 at 2:39 PM


    I have set up two forms on a client's website:

    The form notifications are set up to go to their email account at A CC of the forms also goes to me at

    I have no problem receiving the forms, but on several occasions the client has not received their copy of them. For example, forms sent from "" yesterday came to me OK, but did not get to the address. Dharmadogservices is hosted by Network Solutions, and I advised my client to contact them because it was likely a problem on their end. They said they checked their logs and nothing was received from

    How to you suggest this problem be solved?


  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on September 30, 2014 at 5:06 PM


    I checked our mail logs for the address "" and it appears as though the emails are indeed being sent on our end:

    Problem receiving form submission notifications Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Usually this means the emails are being either sent to their spam inbox, which is the first thing and easiest thing to check, or they are being filtered by the email provider on the recipient end.  In this case, here is our guide on how to prevent email from being bounced.  This includes the servers to have white listed with their provider:

    You can also try setting their notification sender email to "", which is our other default address.  Occasionally this fixes filtering issues as well.

    Problem receiving form submission notifications Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Let us know if you client is still unable to receive email notifications after trying a few things and we will be happy to assist you further.