Analytics w/form - Tracking refferals not working

  • olesyanovik
    Asked on November 27, 2014 at 3:12 PM

    I have read and tried all your recommendations and still have a problem.


    When people fill out a jotform they are taken to a custom URL thank you page. The form is embeded as an iframe for best viewing on my website.I am trying to track form conversions in google analytics. No matter how I set it up the "referrer" is always  --- / referral I need to track the funnel on where the traffic came from that filled out the form and ended up on the "/thank-you" page??traffic source --> landing page with form --> the sources that actually filled out the formall I get is the form as the referrer!
    Any help is greatly appreciated!Thanks,Matt

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 27, 2014 at 4:20 PM


    Adding the submit URL ( to your Referral Exclusion list would do the trick.


    Note, that the form submit domain name might be a bit different, so here are some examples:


    Kindly do that and update us here for the results.

    Thank you!