Why is my text box blank? - Value entered in Form Builder not shown in preview

  • mollygarg
    Asked on December 4, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    Hello, I am trying to create my contract using this service. I have added the required fields and have added the agreement language in a text box. When I preview it, this text box is completely blank. Help!




  • Ben
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    Hi Molly.

    Just to confirm did you mean that you would like to add the default text to be shown to the people filling out the jotform?

    Now if you would like to show some text that the users should agree to, but not edit, I would suggest placing it in the Text tool, found under the Form Tools.

    Why is my text box blank?   Value entered in Form Builder not shown in preview Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Best Regards,

  • mollygarg
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 6:11 PM
    Yes, I added custom text to my form. I have pasted it, it shows up, but
    then when I preview it does not.
  • mollygarg
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 6:11 PM
    Got it-- thank you! I guess I didn't realize the difference bt "text" and
    "text box"
  • Ben
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Hi Molly,

    You are welcome. I see that you have already made the change on your jotform and it looks great :)

    Now, just to add in case you need it later on. You can add default text to textbox and textarea, but in the last 2 the people on your jotform can remove it or change it to their liking. I had recommended the Text field since I believed that it is the one that you were after (to show them text, but not allow to edit).

    To add default text into the Text Box or Text Area just click on them and then enter the text after clicking on the Default Value button in the toolbar.

    Why is my text box blank?   Value entered in Form Builder not shown in preview Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Do let us know if you have any further questions and we would be happy to help.

    Best Regards,