Auto Image resize for image uploads ?

  • Naatak
    Asked on December 5, 2014 at 11:56 AM


    I have seen this question being asked multiple times on the forum by other, but seems to be turned away.

    so, once more i'd like to request this feature. Auto image resize for image uploads. Someone from Jotform management said the upload is used for all types of files, so it is not possible to do this feature. But it certainly is possibly to determine the file type of the upload and perform the resize - eg: images/* - resize, pdf - compress etc.

    Obviously, the enable/disable of this feature will be user selected.


    Reasons for asking this feature:

    1. too often users upload images from camera/mobiles which these days take 3MB+ size photo for something where 500KB would suffice. This leads to quota limits being exceed too often.

    2. these images are later manually resized and printed for our records anyway.


    Current workaround:

    1. we manually browse through all submissions which have huge file upload sizes

    2. download the image and resize the image

    3. edit the submission, delete the old upload and re-upload the resized image.



    as you can imagine, this is such a pain. I am sure other users will also love this feature.



    Naatak Siva


  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on December 5, 2014 at 1:57 PM


    I have forwarded your request to our development team.  There have been quite a few requests for this feature so I figure adding yours may help entice them to get it going.  We do have several large releases recently and coming soon so it may still be a bit before they are able to address this.  We will update you here as soon as we have any word.

  • UtiliSync
    Replied on December 8, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    I agree - this feature would be great!
  • Carina
    Replied on December 8, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    @UtiliSync I moved your request to a new thread so it can be forwarded as a feature request.

    Let us know if we can assist you further.