Pull merge fields from InfusionSoft and redirect to JotForm Thank You page?

  • lbtallman
    Asked on December 22, 2014 at 10:19 AM
    Now I have to integrate with Infusionsoft and have these values populate a customized shopping cart link with a redirect script.  I do this by adding an html snippet to the thank you page in Infusionsoft but if I use this form I can't use the IS thank you page.

    Is there a way for me to add a redirect in the jotform thank you page so that it pulls the merge fields from IS?  I know this is probably not the best way to describe or do this. 

    I know enough to be dangerous so any insight is appreciated.

    This is the script I'm trying to use.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var landing_page_url = 'https://wn170.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/processBundle?productId=12&productQuantity=~Contact._LG1FilmLicenseQty~&productId=14&productQuantity=~Contact._LG1LeaderKitQty~&productId=16&productQuantity=~Contact._LG1ParticipantGuideQty~'
    var seconds_to_wait = 6
    setTimeout("window.location.href = landing_page_url", seconds_to_wait * 1000);

  • Ben
    Replied on December 22, 2014 at 11:49 AM

    Hi Laura,

    I am curious why you say that you can not use their thank you page with our jotform? I must say that I am not too familiar with their system, but if this is the page for each person filling out your jotform:


    Then you would be able to set up the thank you to a custom URL and redirect there.

    I presume that the values in the URL are populated by their system on that page, but if you know what parameters to pass from the jotform to it then it should work just the same.

    If that is not an option and you still need to use the javascript, then I would suggest creating your own page where you would include it and then make the jotform get redirected to that page right after submission.

    These are few guides that should be helpful:

    Redirecting Users to a Different Page

    How to Setup Webhook with JotForm

    Send Instant Submission Notifications with Webhooks

    Webhook Samples

    Send POST Data From JotForm Using PHP in Custom Thank You Page

    Do let us know if you have any further questions.

    Best Regards,