It's possible to pre-choose/pre-select a checkbox option upon a condition is met?

  • motoxplorers
    Asked on February 9, 2015 at 2:25 PM

    My goal is to have only one form to 3 different bikes and anytime one visitor comes to the site and choose one bike, one hidden check box is already marked with the bike chosen, so they do not need to choose the bike two times.

    Is that possible?


  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Replied on February 9, 2015 at 4:13 PM

    I think that is possible using 2 forms and conditional logics.

    1. First of all, make 2 forms. 

    2. Rename the submit button of the first form to whatever you want to, I chose "next" to give the effect it's the same form. Just click on it and change the "submit" text on the Toolbar.

    Its possible to pre choose/pre select a checkbox option upon a condition is met? Image 1 Screenshot 40


    3. Now we will use this conditional logics to redirect to the second form:  "Change Thank You URL after submission"

    But, first we need to know two things: the variable field and the ID for each checkbox on the second form:

    a) To find  the Variable field, just select the Chekbox and go to properties

    -Find the variable name at the bottom


    b) To find the field ID you can use the same method, but have in mind we only need one single check box,

    Its possible to pre choose/pre select a checkbox option upon a condition is met? Image 2 Screenshot 51


    So, for each check box we can see input_3_0 , input_3_1  we just get the number portion.

    For example s "0" belongs to check box number 1, while "1"  is for number 2, etc.

    You can find it by using the inspector of your browser, in my case I used Firebugs, an extension of Firebugs.

    4. We are ready to make the conditional logic and  paste the URL accordingly.

    For example: When the user chooses Bike 1, the URL should be redirected to this one:[0]=true

    Here is the list of my conditions:

    Its possible to pre choose/pre select a checkbox option upon a condition is met? Image 3 Screenshot 62


    And here is my final form for you to see the effect:


  • motoxplorers
    Replied on February 11, 2015 at 5:16 AM

    Thank you Jeanette, it worked!! Thanks

  • jonathan
    Replied on February 11, 2015 at 9:23 AM

    We are glad to know that Jeanette's solution worked.

    Feel free to contact us anytime should you need further assistance on JotForm.
