Add a search/find option to the User Contributed Dropdown widget

  • risefit
    Asked on March 6, 2015 at 10:23 PM

    I love the user contributed drop down, but my list of users is long over 200 entries.

    Could you make a user contributed search box?

    I am using a form for my members to sign into a class.


    second question.  I have one form where a person fills out a waiver, is there a way their name could be automatically added to a different form where they would go to sign in for a class?



    Thank you!

  • Ben
    Replied on March 7, 2015 at 7:07 AM

    I would just like to confirm with you if maybe 1 of the next 2 widgets would do what you are after:

    1. Auto Complete

    2. Multiple Selection

    If neither of the two work we will raise this to our developers as a feature request.

    Since we can only reply to one question per thread I have moved your second question to this thread: where we will reply shortly.