Change recipient e-mail

  • ianmacl
    Asked on March 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM

    I want to change the e-mail address to which my Jot form enquiries are sent. Jot Form FAQ's give clear instruction:

    To change recipient email address on a form, open your form on the Form Builder and then:
    1. Click on "Setup and Share" tab,
    2. Click on "Email Alerts",
    3. Select "Notification",
    4. Click on "Reply-to and Recipient Settings",
    5. Change "Recipient E-mail" on the lower right side.


    However, I can't find a "setup and share" tab anywhere.


    I hope someone can help,


    Ian MacLeod

  • jonathan
    Replied on March 8, 2015 at 12:13 PM

    Hi Ian,

    We apologize for the confusion. We haven't updated the steps in the FAQs page yet according to the new Form Builder. We will address that concern asap.

    For correction, please refer to the user guide

     -Finding-out-E-mail-Address-used-for-submission-notifications instead.

    Change recipient e mail Image 1 Screenshot 20


    Hope this help. Let us know if you are still not able to do it.
