I would like to be emailed when I get a new submission.

  • chuckhayes
    Asked on March 14, 2015 at 11:25 PM
    I found this in FAQ but I do  not see "Email Alerts" 

    Can you please help me with this, I need to launch soon.


    How can I change recipient e-mail address for my form? 

    To change recipient email address on a form, open your form on the Form Builder and then:
    1. Click on "Setup and Share" tab,
    2. Click on "Email Alerts",
    3. Select "Notification",
    4. Click on "Reply-to and Recipient Settings",
    5. Change "Recipient E-mail" on the lower right side. 




  • Ben
    Replied on March 15, 2015 at 1:30 AM

    Our interface has slightly changed and we are looking to update all guides once that happens, but seems that FAQ was skipped.

    To do that you will need Email notifier and you can see here how to set one up: Setting Up Email Notifications

    Do let us know if you have any further questions along the way and we would be happy to assist you with them.

  • Ben
    Replied on March 15, 2015 at 1:44 AM

    I would like to let you know that I have updated the FAQ entry that you have seen to include the right steps to take.

    Thank you for letting us know.