How to set up forms so that they look great on all platforms?

  • AATR
    Asked on April 20, 2015 at 12:18 PM

    My form is used on different platforms.  I would like it used on my website only but appears to not be multiple platform friendly.  So to fix this I created a direct link off my website to the form only (which I'm not happy about but I had no other choice)  I would like to resolve the issue that is on my website: when viewed from iphone,ipad, or other mobile device.  The complaint I am getting is: the form shifts right when viewed on any of they above devices and they loose the ability to see everything.  Also, the input text boxes under the collapse fields expand out and run into each other  it looks really bad.  

    Also, the form looks fine and works good on a laptop, desktop, or notebook.  When it comes to using the form via data only it drags and gets hung up a lot.  

  • Ben
    Replied on April 20, 2015 at 1:28 PM

    I took a look at your website and I see that the issue is not with the form, but with the website itself as it is not mobile responsive - in turn not telling the jotform that it should resize.

    What I would advise is to hire a web developer that would do the codding needed on your website to have it properly show on different devices.

    The only issue with the jotform that I can see right away is the mixed content security issue, because the form is embedded with secure method (over HTTPS) and it is loading some images using insecure method (over HTTP).

    I made the change in regards to this on your jotform directly, so that it is loading in both HTTP and HTTPS version - where and how it is needed, by replacing http:// with //

    Now you will not be shown the security warning about loading insecure content in the browser URL bar.

  • AATR
    Replied on April 20, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    Alright, I was hoping not to hear that news about the RWD I was trying to stay away from it but seems like a necessity with all the different platform these days.  Thanks for the suggestion and doing what you can.  I'll work on adding RWD in spare time.  Until then I have my workarounds in place.  

  • Ben
    Replied on April 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM

    Yes, I understand and you are right, there are so many different sizes and devices it takes time to implement and test these things, but as soon as you do, you will see the form justifying itself properly for you right away and if not completely, we are here to assist :)

    You are welcome and do let us know at any time if we can be of any assistance.