Why are we getting this error message?

  • 32ice
    Asked on April 28, 2015 at 5:54 PM

    When you click to open form it say Form Over Quota. We have used all our secure submission but we should have plenty of unsecured left. i have checked the form link on our site and it is linked to the unsecured form.  Please advice, thank You

  • ekrem
    Replied on April 28, 2015 at 6:32 PM


    You are allowed to do max 10 SSL submission. No matter how many normal submissions you do, as soon as  you exceed 10  SSL submissions, your account submission will be disabled.

    For example you can do the following for per month:

    * Max 10 SSL + Max 100 normal submission

    I set your number of SSL submissions to zero. Your account is active now. If you need more than 10 SSL submissions, you can switch to paid accounts.  

