Is it possible to increase the dropdown option count to more than 5 Thousand?

  • gustavocostacarvalho
    Asked on May 7, 2015 at 3:08 PM



    Can you guys from Jotform increase the number of options of a dropdown list? I have a dropdown box that has almost 5 thousand options and it wouldn´t be appealing in terms of design if I create multiple dropdown boxes. 


    Thank You!!

  • KadeJM
    Replied on May 7, 2015 at 4:07 PM

    To my understanding it sounds to me like you already have an existing form with a dropdown of roughly 5,000 options listed inside it. And if I understand you correctly you wish to add more?

    I checked your account but I only found this form which has a ton of dropdowns so I am under the impression you are looking to apply it to that one perhaps? Is that correct?

    Could you please tell us which dropdown you are trying to add it to? I'm not sure of the exact limits for the amount of options since I have not tested that myself but from the sound of what you mentioned it seems that you have hit that limit at 5k and want to add more beyond that?

    Have you considered trying our Autocomplete Widget to see if maybe it would work for this possibly. It is a combination of a dropdown and searchbox.

    Unless it absolutely must be a dropdown as you requested?

    We also have these various dropdown widgets listed here


  • gustavocostacarvalho
    Replied on May 7, 2015 at 4:28 PM

    Hello Kade!


    The dropdown name is "Modelo do Veículo". A guy told me that Jot Form dropdown boxe's could only handle 3600 options...since I need in just one dropdown menu 5000 options I am having to postpone the launch of the form...This dropdown named "Modelo do Veículo" means vehicles models and is related to theirs 20 cars manufacturers in the dropdown menu called "Fabricante do Veículo". This form needs to be very compact so the potential customer would not find to long to fill it and be discouraged. Can I reach jotform developers team to fix it?


    Hugs from BRAZIL buddy!





    This is the link:

  • Mike
    Replied on May 7, 2015 at 4:33 PM

    Thank you for providing us with additional information. We have sent a ticket to our Development Team per this thread. We will let you know if we have any updates.

  • fcostacarvalho
    Replied on July 21, 2015 at 5:16 PM