Autosuspended: Suspected phishing forms

  • cinedhoy2
    Asked on June 16, 2015 at 10:09 AM

    hola buenas, mire en el dia de hoy e estado creando varios formularios pero cuando lo voy a incrustar en mi app o simplemente ver en vista previa me sale como un error. el formulario esta bien creado pero no me sale.


    espero vuestra ayuda, gracias.

  • Jan
    Replied on June 16, 2015 at 12:27 PM

    Your account was automatically suspended by our phishing detector tool. The reason is that you have "Facebook" words on your form. It happens because there are a lot of phishing/fake forms that are asking for Facebook credentials, therefore forms that has Facebook words needs to be checked since it is considered as a suspicious forms.

    I activated your account and I added your forms in the whitelist so there should be no problem. Let us know if you have any issues. Thank you.