Iframe embed widget not showing the source page, just keeps on loading

  • depotlawncare
    Asked on July 4, 2015 at 2:49 AM

    I took this maping tool website url and used the imbed iframe widget to place this into my form. 


    however on preview the page will load but the map will not load. 


    attempting to choose actual addresses and press search causes the search box text to disappear. 


    Is it possible the data for the map itself is somehow protected in some way? 









  • Jan
    Replied on July 4, 2015 at 4:31 AM

    Is this the "Map Image" you're referring to? I can see that you use the Iframe embed widget to embed this page on your form.

    Iframe embed widget not showing the source page, just keeps on loading Image 1 Screenshot 30

    I checked the Iframe source and it seems like it is not working as well. This is the source: http://maps.nashville.gov/propertykiva/site/main.htm. I visited that web page and it just keeps on loading with the same picture as what you see above.

    Iframe embed widget not showing the source page, just keeps on loading Image 2 Screenshot 41


    Please try to make sure that the webpage itself is working before using the Iframe embed. Thank you.


  • depotlawncare
    Replied on July 4, 2015 at 5:08 AM
    I see what you mean. It may be down and that is causing all my issues.
    I will wait and see tomorrow.
  • Jan
    Replied on July 4, 2015 at 7:30 AM

    Yes, it is probably down for the moment. Let us know if the issue persists even though the web page source is working so that we can further investigate. Thank you.