Edit, Cancel and Submit buttons

  • nickbh
    Asked on September 2, 2015 at 5:36 AM

    I am trying to create a form(s) whereby the form is


    1) At the start pre-populated by data I include in the query string

    2) the data can then be edited and submitted


    I am familiar with pre-populating the forms with query strings.  My question is>


    What is the best way to treat a button so the user can edit the information they see and then submit the form.


    I have 2 ideas that I am investigating

    A) using page breaks for multiple pages and duplicating pages (however I think this will be difficult as I may have to prepopulate both the editable and read only pages

    b) Is it better to use the submit button and redirect to another form created by jot form that is identical but has editable fields?


    What I really desire is the ability to have a button on the form that changes all the READ ONLY attributes to editable and also has a SUBMIT button(and cancel)


    What do you think is the best method?





  • Sammy
    Replied on September 2, 2015 at 11:31 AM

    Hello Nick,

    At the moment we do not have a provision to dynamically set alter the read only attribute of a field with a button or conditions.

    I recommend the second approach of redirecting to a similar form as it will result in a much better management of the forms in terms of future updates in terms of design and conditions.

    Please let us know if you need further clarification or assistance