Import an Excel form that I have to jotform

  • UDANationals
    Asked on September 3, 2015 at 11:44 PM

    Hi, I want to so something similiar but need to import an Excel form that I have to jotform, because i want that people filling the  form can add a list of names with several information to jot fomr that would be easier on excel.

    So i need to add to jotform an excel form that I have already done, is that possible?

  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on September 4, 2015 at 12:01 AM



    Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. We do not have this feature to import excel form to JotForm. You will need to manually create the excel form in JotForm. There are different tools/widget that can help you create your form in Jotform that is similar to your form.


    If you need further assistance in creating your form, please feel free to contact us again.



  • UDANationals
    Replied on September 14, 2015 at 9:13 PM

    thanks a lot for your answer