"Conditions" on form very erratic behaviour

  • anden15
    Asked on September 16, 2015 at 9:46 AM


    I've made it so that if people answering my form choose that they are a poster/talk presenter, then they are required to also upload an attached file together with the registration.

    However, now that submission have started coming in, I see that there are multiple instances of people choosing the category requiring an attached file, that do not show as having a file attached in the submissions window.

    I just tested it myself again now, and it seems that sometimes the right buttons will not show even when the condition is met (ie. category of form submitter is poster/talk presenter). It seems that the conditions are not being triggered correctly some of the time, so that the file upload field does not show. I just went in and resaved my form, and that seemed to correct it. However I'm afraid this happens periodically; somehow the conditions for showing fields seem to reset to hiding the field permanently after a while.

  • Sammy
    Replied on September 16, 2015 at 1:22 PM

    Sometimes if the iframe src value does not have the URL to the form it might cause all the scripts to not load fully in some browsers, you can manually add the form URL or you can choose to re-embed with a fresh iframe code from the embed wizard.


    <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%; border: medium none; height: 1054px;" id="52244456815356" name="52244456815356" allowtransparency="true" src="//www.jotformeu.com/form/52244456815356" onDISABLEDload="window.parent.scrollTo(0,0)"></iframe>

    Kindly try adding the form URL to your iframe src attribute and test the form again, please let us know of the outcome.