Does jotform tell a form owner that a form has not been submitted if over quota?

  • woolebull
    Asked on September 21, 2015 at 4:10 PM

    Will your site inform the administrator that someone could not submit a form because the form quota has been reached?

    Is there a counter on your site to see how many forms have been submitted?
    Will the person that submitted the form need to submit it again once the administrator has upgrade the account?

  • KadeJM
    Replied on September 21, 2015 at 6:50 PM

    I see that you are inquiring about the "Form Over Quota" status for JotForm Accounts.

    Anytime you have gone over quota for the month for your usage limits this message will be displayed on your account and your forms will be temporarily disabled until either your monthly reset kicks in or until you've upgraded your account to lift the usage limitation.

    When you are close to that limit an email is supposed to be sent out but if you are using a custom sender address then it probably ended up in your spambox.

    However, we do not sent notice of any submissions that were missed since they do not count at that timeframe because they are not received. 

    As for your second question you can find an answer to that here and your third question here I have split these into new questions because it is preferred to keep your questions and problems to only one per thread where possible and thank you in advance for your coooperation.