Is there a pre-made widget that will allow me to specify a dynamic inputs table with different formatting of fields?

  • jmcsweeney
    Asked on September 23, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    Hi, I am working on a form that will include a section in which the form-filler-outer will have to enter multiple names of applicants and job titles for each name, as well as select which items each person needs. So for example, I'll need to have the person able to enter:

    Name: Ted Baker  Job Title: Marketing Specialist  Needs: 1) Visor Card  2) ID Card  3) Neck Chain for ID

    The "name" and "job title" lines need to be text boxes, but I'd like the "needs" choices to be in the form of check boxes. Not each applicant will need all of the items, but some may (they are mix and match depending on the name of the person).

    I'd like all of these choices to appear on the same line for each name since they go together. Also, I'd like the submitter to be able to add lines (additional entries) only if/as they need them. Some submitters will have only 1 applicant, while others may have 10 or more. 

    Not to further complicate things, but if possible, I'd like there to be a price tally on all of the items they select also, since they'll have to pay for each that they select per person. In shopping-cart fashion, I'd like there to be a running tally for every item selected, then a total shown to the submitter before they submit and follow with payment. 


    Please help!! If there is a widget that does this already I'd like to just insert it for ease. If not, please tell me how to achieve what I am looking for another way. 


    Thank you! 



  • Mike
    Replied on September 23, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    There is a custom Configurable list widget available which works as you described.


    How to Set Up the Configurable List Widget

    However, it does not work with calculations to my knowledge. In order to calculate a total you can use either one of the payment tools (Setting Up Your First Order Form) or custom calculations. So the alternative way is:

    Show form fields based on users selections with conditional logic.

    Smart Forms Using Conditional Logic

    Calculate total based on users selections.

    How to perform calculation in the form

    How to Assign Calculation Value

    And then forward calculated amount to one of the payment tools.

    How to pass a calculation to a payment field

    If you need any further assistance, please let us know.