Korean letters are not correctly displayed on submissions page

  • csc8613
    Asked on October 3, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    Thank you for your form builder.

    I am Korean. I'd like to use this form builder, but Korean letters is not displayed in submission report.

    Because of this critical error, I actually can't use this tool. 

    I appreciate that you would add Korean language to use this form builder.


    Error example like below.


       약국형태     Ãþ¾౹

       병원형태     º´¿ø

  • Boris
    Replied on October 4, 2015 at 1:51 AM

    Could you please let us know what it should be displaying instead?

    I have cloned your last edited form and tried replicating the issue, but the Korean characters are displaying correctly in my Submissions page:

        Submission Date     2015-10-04 01:38:37
        약국형태            문전약국
        병원형태            가치를
        Click to edit        0

    We will be happy to look into the issue and try and fix any bugs that might be preventing our tools from displaying correctly in Korean, but we need some help in how to replicate the issue that you are experiencing.

    Can you please let us know on which of your forms is this happening, and what do we need to enter or do, in order to get the characters incorrectly shown?

    We will await your response. Thank you.