Error: There are errors on the form. Please fix them before continuing

  • cheekyface
    Asked on November 25, 2015 at 3:54 AM



    Whenever I try to submit the form it tells me "There are errors on the form. Please fix them before continuing.".  I can't see any errors.  Can you help?

    URGENT please!!!!!!!!

  • Jan
    Replied on November 25, 2015 at 8:38 AM

    I cloned your form and did a test submissions. I did not encounter the problem as long as the require fields are complete and the email matched.

    Normally, you'll get an error message (There are errors on the form. Please fix them before continuing.) when something is wrong with the information you've entered or did not entered any data on a required field.

    Error: There are errors on the form Screenshot 30

    Error: There are errors on the form Screenshot 41

    Please make sure you're filling up the form correctly. Please don't leave any require fields behind.

    Let us know if you're still having issues with the form. Thank you.