If I make a yearly payment, and I use my GB space before the year is over. What happens next?

  • bgwork
    Asked on December 8, 2015 at 3:00 PM

    I want to make a payment to upgrade my account but I dont know if it is better to make the payment per year or monthly. If I pay the whole year but I use all my available space in 6 months? What would happen to the other six months that were already paid?

  • jonathan
    Replied on December 8, 2015 at 4:21 PM

    If you exceed any limits on your current subscription account (submissions, payment, storage), your account will be temporarily disabled. To reactivate the account, you will either...

    #1 Upgrade to the NEXT HIGHER plan for expanded limits (like storage limit)

    #2 If its due to storage/space exceeded and you do not want to take option #1.. you can decrease the storage used by deleting form submissions that have uploaded files on them.

    By deleting submissions with included uploaded files will clear the space used by the uploaded files. By deleting, the storage space will now be cleared with new storage space available again.

    What would happen to the other six months that were already paid?

    If you check the JotForm Terms, the guaranteed refund period is good for 30-days. So we cannot give you any refund anymore if that is what you are after.

    Hope this help. Let us know if you need further assistanc.e