Error When Not Saving Form, Manually - ANSWER - "Hiccup"

  • AA_C
    Asked on February 1, 2016 at 1:42 PM

    Error When Not Saving Form, Manually   ANSWER   Hiccup Image 1 Screenshot 20

    It can happen on anyone of my forms.

    Thought you should know.


  • victor
    Replied on February 1, 2016 at 5:06 PM

    Our apologies for this problem. Please try the following to fix it:

    a. Logout from your account

    b. Clear your browser's cache and cookies

    c. Login again

    d. Clear your forms cache (

    e. Edit your form and check if you still can't save it.

    If you've lost some changes in the form, you can check your form revision history and revert it from there. Here's our guide for that:

    If this does not resolve the issue, please let us know. I will raise the issue to our back end team so they may take a deeper look.

  • AA_C
    Replied on February 4, 2016 at 10:05 AM

    I haven't had any problems with losing any form changes. It was just popping up at the strangest times and not when trying to save the form manually. If you look at the image I posted you will see in the background the error occured when I was reviewing Email Response settings, not while on the Form itself.

    In any case it has not occurred in the last few days so perhaps it has fixed itself.  

    Thanks, Robert

  • victor
    Replied on February 4, 2016 at 11:31 AM

    Thank you for the update. It could be that our servers had a small hip cup. At the moment you were to only person that reported the issue and could be an isolated thing.

    If you experience this again, please let us know. We will be glad a deeper look.