Decimal Error in Braintree API!

  • runtoexile
    Asked on February 4, 2016 at 12:56 PM

    Can you please confirm that the error in the Braintree plugin is fixed? Three of my customers were charged $2000, $2000, and $1500 instead of $20, $20, and $15. 

    Here is the form:

    Here is the log from Braintree, showing the incorrect amounts as well as a correct transaction:

    Transaction ID jkqqzst:
    02/04/2016 09:30:00.000 -0600 <13>Feb 4 15:30:00 [02-1454599800.066-] Parameters: {"transaction"=>{"type"=>"sale", "channel"=>"JotFormInc_BT", "amount"=>"1500", "options"=>{"submit_for_settlement"=>true, "store_in_vault_on_success"=>true}, "payment_method_token"=>"JF_[FILTERED]"}, "merchant_id"=>"n6xvnc632frhww5d"}

    Transaction ID fxkzsx8:
    02/04/2016 09:32:21.000 -0600 <13>Feb 4 15:32:21 [02-1454599941.403-] Parameters: {"transaction"=>{"type"=>"sale", "channel"=>"JotFormInc_BT", "amount"=>"2000", "options"=>{"submit_for_settlement"=>true, "store_in_vault_on_success"=>true}, "payment_method_token"=>"JF_[FILTERED]"}, "merchant_id"=>"n6xvnc632frhww5d"}

    Transaction ID 2qq8ddy:
    02/04/2016 09:34:42.000 -0600 <13>Feb 4 15:34:42 [02-1454600081.973-] Parameters: {"transaction"=>{"type"=>"sale", "channel"=>"JotFormInc_BT", "amount"=>"2000", "options"=>{"submit_for_settlement"=>true, "store_in_vault_on_success"=>true}, "payment_method_token"=>"JF_[FILTERED]"}, "merchant_id"=>"n6xvnc632frhww5d"}

    And here, for contrast, is Transaction ID k2d64r4, where the correct amount was received:
    02/04/2016 10:08:48.000 -0600 <13>Feb 4 16:08:48 [02-1454602128.313-] Parameters: {"transaction"=>{"type"=>"sale", "channel"=>"JotFormInc_BT", "amount"=>"20.00", "options"=>{"submit_for_settlement"=>true, "store_in_vault_on_success"=>true}, "payment_method_token"=>"JF_[FILTERED]"}, "merchant_id"=>"n6xvnc632frhww5d"}

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on February 4, 2016 at 2:39 PM

    We did make an update to the BrainTree integration this morning.  Did the incorrect payment begin today?

    It looks like your most recent payment was the correct amount.  Let us know as soon as possible and we will look in to this further.